Home Fitness Equipment

Home fitness equipment
Home fitness equipment

If you are planning to invest in the home fitness equipments to save your time then here are few most popular as well as effective options which you can bring home and can stay fit for ever….

One of the popular means of exercising is STATIONARY BICYCLE. This bicycle works the lungs, heart and legs. Most of the bicycles have adjustable pedal resistance and braking force. Some of them have moveable handlebars too.

Essentials of a good bicycle include well positioned handle bars, smooth pedaling, comfortable seat, an odometer and speedometer, smooth pedaling and a quite break mechanism. To reduce the boredom pf exercising you can always listen to music watch TV or anything you like to do.

Another option is ROWING MACHINES. It provides aerobic work out for your whole body. Lungs, heart, legs, abdomen on, back, shoulders and arms are all worked when you use rowing machine.

Running cause pounding on your legs and knees but its not the case with rowing. Apart from aerobic benefit rowing builds your muscle strength and endurance too.

home fitness equipment
home fitness equipment

Two types of rowing machines are available in the market. Hydraulic machine uses a piston to give resistance. With the help of a cable driven machine, your pull spins a flywheel. It produces a smooth action which is similar to rowing on water. A little strain on the back is caused by the smoothness of flywheel. If proper adjustment according to the height is not done hydraulic rowers can create back strain.

Rowing just like cycling support your weight through seat and not your legs puts less strain on your legs and knees. Treadmills are becoming more popular.

Heart, lungs and leg muscle can be benefited through TREADMILLS. Treadmills are motor driven with controls for speed and elevation. Sturdy safety rail is a must. Because of foot irritation non motorized treadmills are not preferred.

It can be set at a speed and pace of your choice so it can go as fast or as slow as you will be running and walking.

REBOUNDERS are also preferred by a lot of people as mini-tramps. Mimi-tramps are designed to work as springboard to give you height on the other hand rebounder absorbs the stress of low bouncing during exercising. Like running it does not produce stress on your joints. Being portable and easy to store it becomes a strong contender for your house.

The only problem with rebounders is that you don’t get as much aerobic benefit as you get from jogging.

But before using these equipments you must ensure that you know how to use it. If you have any medical problem than taking doctors advice is beneficial.