Why Our Body Needs Water

Why our body needs water

Water is essential for human life. Without it, our bodies could not exist.  The human body is made up of approximately 60% water. How much water we have in our body depends on factors such as age, fat to muscle ratio and gender. You may ask the question why our body needs water. Keep reading to find out why.

There are many myths and assumptions surrounding your daily water intake needs. You may have heard in the the past that everyone should drink at least eight 8oz glasses of water per day. Or that only water will satisfy these fluid requirements, but the truth is, there is no golden number. While certain products like caffeinated beverages or alcohol can aid in dehydration, most all foods we ingest contribute to out daily intake necessities.

Staying Healthy Is Why Our Body Needs Water

Adequate hydration is essential in the human body. Every organ in our bodies require water to function at full capacity. Maintaining a sufficient fluid balance is important. Water is a medium that carries nutrients and blood cells through out the body. Every living cell needs water for cell transfer. If there is too little water, the cells shrink and die. If there is too much water, the cells can over swell. Water is full of electrolytes and minerals, being out of balance can throw off body stasis and cause mortal harm. Balancing your body fluids helps

  • Water removes waste and toxins from the body and creates a health digestive system
  • Improve the circulatory system and lowers blood pressure
  • Increase metabolism, helps maintain a healthy weight and increases energy
  • Regulate body temperature
  • Lubricates joints and cushions the brain and spinal cord
  • Alertness and brain function
  • Proper lung function

Everyday, we use approximately 2.5 quarts of water. This must be replaced through the food and water we eat.

Feeling Blah? Grab A Glass Of Water

Sometimes when we feel icky or a little under the weather, the culprit is simple dehydration. Simply drinking water can make all the difference in the world. Before you go to the medicine cabinet, try a glass or two of water. Water can help

  • Get rid of a headache
  • Loosen nasal and chest congestion
  • Alleviate muscle cramps
  • Fight fatigue (better than a cup of coffee)
  • Improve our immune system
  • Brighten mood

These are just some examples of the benefits of replenishing. So if you’re feeling ‘not quite right’ enjoy a glass of water and reap the benefits.

Skin Care And Water

Just like the rest of the organs in our body, skin, being the largest organ, needs water as well. The benefits of staying hydrated include:

  • Clearing up blemishes and diminish acne
  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Even skin tone
  • Increase elasticity
  • Maintaining a youthful appearance
  • Reduce the appearance of cellulite
  • Healthier hair

How Much Is Enough?

There really is no golden rule when it comes to how much water is recommended. As a general rule, use common sense, drink when you are thirsty and with meals. Too much water consumption can be linked to loss of important electrolytes. Don’t drink until you are bloated or water logged as it can be harmful. Too much of anything is generally not good. If the taste of water is not your favorite, you can always add a lemon wedge, cucumber, strawberry or whatever fruit or vegetable is your preference. The health benefits of consuming water are abundant. This is why our body needs water. Take care of yourself and stay hydrated!

Always remember to increase your intake of water when the climate is extra dry and hot, you are exercising, or if you are running a fever.

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