Health Care – Health and Wellness Program You one stop guide to health Thu, 28 Jan 2021 07:42:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Health Care – Health and Wellness Program 32 32 What is Laparoscopy? Sat, 05 Sep 2020 06:37:13 +0000 [...]]]> Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that allows a doctor to perform surgical procedures using only a small incision. It enables quick recovery of the patient, and most people get back to work within a week. It is also called Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS), Band-aid surgery or Keyhole surgery.

During Laparoscopy, a small incision is made in the abdomen or pelvic region to insert an instrument called Laparoscope, which enables the doctor to take a look inside the abdomen. It is used to detect Cysts, adhesions, fibroids and infections in the organs.

Advantages of Laparoscopy

Doctors generally recommended Laparoscopy because of the following reasons:

  • It is relatively simple, safe and poses lower risk, compared to alternative procedures.
  • Takes less time and causes less injury to delicate tissues than traditional methods.
  • It is generally an outpatient procedure that doesn’t call for a hospital stay.
  • It allows speedy recovery.
  • It is less expensive than open surgical procedures.

What can Laparoscopy be used for?


Laparoscopy is done either for accurate diagnosis or for surgical treatment.

As a diagnostic procedure, it allows doctors to determine the cause of abdominal or pelvic pain and helps them to recommend an appropriate therapy. It can be used diagnose:

  • Cyst – A closed sac with liquid or semisolid material.
  • Soft – tissue tumor – A mass resulting from uncontrolled growth of cells, either benign or cancerous, which can occur at various locations in the abdomen.
  • Fibroids – A benign overgrowth of uterine muscle attached to the uterus.
  • Adhesion – Fibrous tissue abnormally uniting internal organs.

Laparoscopy can also help determine the cause of pain in case of:

  • Endometriosis – the presence of tissue, like endometrium, outside the uterus.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease – an infection causing information of the uterus, fallopian n tubes, ovaries or peritoneum.
  • An ectopic or tubal pregnancy – pregnancy in which the fertilized egg begins to grow outside the womb.


For the first two or three days following Laparoscopy, most women are tired and groggy. You may have to restrict driving for two weeks following Laparoscopy. Intercourse, tube bathing, douching, and swimming will also be restricted. You will probably be very tired and need a lot of sleep. However, be sure to get up and move around as and when you are able to. You will recover quicker if you move about.

Physical signs to watch out for post Laparoscopy

  • Fever and chills
  • Abdominal distension
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Sharp and unusual pain in the abdomen or bowel
  • Redness at the incision site, which can indicate infection
  • Discharge from any place where tubes were inserted or incisions were made


Sleep Apnea Treatment Without Medication Wed, 17 Jun 2020 10:30:41 +0000 [...]]]> The Best Sleep Apnea Treatment Which Is Safe, Natural And Does Not Include Any Pills!
Sleep apnea treatment information that actually works and has been proven over and over to work is what you’ll find on this page.

Your first step for any sleep apnea treatment to work is to make sure that you are in good physical condition, that your surroundings are restful and your bed comfortable.

Go to your doctor and have a general check-up. It is also important to make certain that your eyes and your teeth are in good condition. And bear in mind that overindulgence in alcohol, tobacco or coffee can cause sleep apnea problems.

Another sleep apnea treatment step involves the walls and ceiling of your bedroom which should not be brightly colored. Pastel shades, especially of green and blue, are best for any sleep apnea treatment.

It is best to sleep in a well-ventilated room; however, even if the windows are shut, you can get enough air coming in through and around the windows.

Your sleeping space should be at least 36 inches in width or no treatment for sleep apnea will work. So if you have a sleeping-partner, your bed should be at least 72 inches wide.

Another point to make with any treatment for sleep apnea is to make sure you have a comfortable pillow and mattress–not too hard, and perhaps even more important, not too soft.

You and your sleeping-partner can sleep at different temperatures by putting an additional blanket over the one desiring more warmth, then tucking it in at the foot and, if necessary, pinning it at the upper end.

If you want to skip this next section and get directly to the best sleep apnea treatment available, just click here.

Otherwise continue reading about what it takes for any sleep apnea treatment to work properly.

“What You Should Know About – The Best Sleep Apnea Treatment”

The most important thing for you to know about the best sleep apnea treatment is that it is absolutely impossible for you not to sleep!

Not all the resources of modern science nor all the tortures of the Spanish Inquisition could keep you awake for, say, four days. In spite of everything, you would fall asleep!

Therefore, as we begin our lessons in how the best treatment for sleep apnea works, we know this about you: you can sleep! In fact, you can’t stay awake.

The person who says he or she “hasn’t slept for days” is dramatizing the lack of sleep. So is the person who says “I didn’t sleep a wink last night.” Hospital nurses overwhelmingly confirm this.

Patients in need of a treatment for sleep apnea who complain that they have been awake all night, have almost invariably slept at frequent intervals.

Sleep apnea treatment tests conducted on students of Colgate University showed that students awakened after one hour of sleep were unable to guess within three hours the length of time they had slept.

Therefore, not only can you sleep, but you sleep at least a part of every night. So the problem of needing the best treatment for sleep apnea is not that you can’t sleep, but that you can’t sleep enough!

Well, how much sleep is enough?

Edison is said to have slept an average of only 20 or 21 hours a week.

Napoleon is said to have required equally little sleep. Coolidge, on the other hand, is supposed to have needed 9 or 10 hours of sleep every night.

Why do people vary so in the amount of sleep they need?

Well, partly because they vary in the actual amount of expendable energy they possess. Perhaps the chief reason some people don’t need the best sleep apnea treatment and less sleep than others is that they have perfected the art of remaining relaxed under the most trying circumstances.

As a consequence, they are relaxed when they sleep and thus receive more beneficial sleep. Such people, too, have usually trained themselves to take short, rejuvenating cat naps during the day eliminating the need for any treatment for sleep apnea.

If you are still tired after 9 or 10 hours of sleep you are usually not relaxed enough and would need a good sleep apnea treatment. You may be tense during the day and unable to relax even in sleep.

The quality of your sleep, therefore, is much more important than its quantity. This therefore, requires the best treatment for sleep apnea available.

The most dramatic demonstration of this aspect of a certain treatment for sleep apnea occurs in hypnotism.

A patient put to sleep under hypnosis will be told that, while sleeping, all the nerves and muscles of the body are relaxing and that when awakened will feel completely relaxed, refreshed and happy.

With this type of sleep apnea treatment, since the conscious mind is asleep, it accepts the suggestion and the patient will awaken more rested after an hour of hypnotic sleep than after hours of the usual restless sleep.


Because with this type of sleep apnea treatment, when the patient was hypnotized to sleep, was not worrying about what the stock market was going to do, or any other of life’s every day stresses.

With this sleep apnea treatment, the individual went to sleep concentrating on relaxing his body and was refreshed when waking up.

Remember this one simple scientific fact about sleep or any sleep apnea treatment: you are never wholly asleep.

Part of you, your subconscious, is awake and working. Your subconscious causes you to dream and to awaken in the morning when the alarm fails to ring at the right time.

What your subconscious does during the night determines whether you enjoy restful sleep or nervous, restless or 50 per cent efficient sleep and are in need of a sleep apnea treatment.

Sleep comes from habit, exhaustion or drugs. You may be put to sleep (in the sense of losing consciousness) by a hypnotist, a political speech, or a blow on the head with a baseball bat.

You would not expect to recover consciousness from each of these with the same degree of refreshment. The restless sleep you are experiencing may be as far removed from good, natural sleep as the stab of a hypodermic needle is from the impact of a baseball bat.

So now you know this about yourself: your problem is not that you cannot sleep, or even that you cannot sleep enough. Your problem is that the quality of your sleep is below par. Therefore you need the best sleep apnea treatment available.

When you learn to sleep completely relaxed, the time element will be taken care of, for you will automatically sleep enough.

The best sleep apnea treatment available involves some very specific but extremely easy and quick exercises that are easy to master.

After using this sleep apnea treatment, you will probably find that you require much less sleep than you needed in the past.

In fact you may find, after using this treatment for sleep apnea, that you feel perfectly rested after eight or less hours of the new, refreshing, revitalizing type of sleep you are going to enjoy.

In the beginning chapters of this sleep apnea treatment book the author discusses case histories involving common sleep problems and various methods of sleep apnea treatment.

After reading these case histories you will learn the exercises involved with this terrific treatment for sleep apnea which will enable you to enjoy deep, refreshing sleep at any time under any circumstances.

In this treatment for sleep apnea book the author presents the case histories first because they will give you some insight into the causes of sleep difficulties and the sleep apnea treatment options needed to correct them.

They should give you inspiration and encouragement for they all represent a triumph over seemingly hopeless sleep apnea problems-a triumph that you can duplicate when you have completed your treatment for sleep apnea.

One final word: in the chapters of this treatment for sleep apnea book you will find that the solution of every sleep problem involves the use of the ABC Round Robin and the Sleep Exercise. Widely considered the best treatment for sleep apnea available.

These sleep apnea treatment exercises have deliberately been placed in the back of the book, and while you may experience some impatience at repeated references to something you know nothing about, it is wise not to read the later chapters until you have read the intervening ones.

Back Pain Help That Really Will Relieve Your Chronic Back Pain Wed, 17 Jun 2020 10:29:24 +0000 [...]]]> Back pain help is something that the vast majority of the population, both men and women, young and old will need at one time or another.

It’s estimated that between 70 and 90 percent of people in all age groups are in need of back pain help. Knowledge about, and help for back pain is certainly welcome, appreciated and a popular topic.

One of the best ways to begin learning about help for back pain, back pain treatment options and any effective back pain remedy, is by first understanding the basics of back pain: what causes it, how it’s diagnosed, what treatments are available, how to manage the pain, etc.

This in-depth look at back pain treatment will cover the bases for you. Note that the contents here are not presented from a medical practitioner, and that any and all health care planning should be made under the guidance of your own medical and health practitioners.

The back pain treatment here only presents an overview of back pain help, back pain treatment options, various effective back pain remedy alternatives, lower back pain exercise guidelines, and so on, for educational purposes and does not replace medical advice from a professional physician.

“Back Pain Help – The Facts & Myths”

Let’s begin looking at back pain treatment by learning some facts in order to separate truth from myth with regards to back pain.

First of all, under one percent of chronic lower back pain is the result of a serious infection or condition like cancer or a spinal injury. For those under 50, the rate is even lower.

Back pain is the number one disability for those under age 45. And it runs second, after the common cold, as the top reason for visiting a healthcare provider in the United States.

“There is nothing really wrong with you.” Myth! Chronic neck & back pain sufferers report that doctors generally tell this to about 90 percent of them and it is incorrect.

In reality, the majority of lower back pain cases or some 90 percent generally come from an unknown cause, like an infection or a particular injury.

And the duration of the pain runs generally from four to six weeks.

“People don’t die from chronic neck & back pain.” Wrong! The pain combined with depression and anxiety in long-term cases places sufferers at risk for suicide, which does happen from time to time.

“Most back pain requires surgery.” Myth! On the contrary, under two percent of patients in need of back pain help need surgery. However, back pain is the third top reason for surgery.

“Only a small percentage of workers suffer back pain on the job.” Wrong! The top occupational hazard in the USA is back pain.

“Lie down and rest for back pain.” Au contraire. Contrary to popular believe, bed rest can hinder recovery and is not good back pain help. Health care providers recommend remaining active to decrease down time for patients.

“Men are in need of back pain treatment more than women.” Not! With regards to gender issues and back pain help, it is a myth that men suffer back pain more than women.

In reality, the only main difference is with secondary pain to disk disorders during middle age. However, with regards to race, lower back pain is reported more frequently among Caucasians than other races including African Americans.

“If a patient’s back pain description lacks a regular, consistent pattern, it’s probably imagined or exaggerated.” Myth! No two people, no two cases are totally 100 percent identical.

Activities, events, back pain and people themselves vary from day to day and there is no 100 percent correct way to describe pain in words to fit a perfectly accurate diagnosis.

Click here for the quickest and best back pain help. Or you can continue reading this information on back pain help.

“Back Pain Help – Types & Terms”

To learn more about specific types of back pain and the back pain treatment you require, it helps to identify the “type” of back pain present, similar to a doctor visit when asked, “Is it a stabbing pain or dull ache?”

These are helpful healthcare terms associated with back pain:

ACUTE – Most people in need of back pain help fall into this category. With acute lower back pain, certain movement ranges for activities may be limited due to pain. But most people recover within about four weeks on their own.
CHRONIC – Also referred to as recurrent lower back pain or when acute pain episodes recur for more than three months. This is most generally when medical treatment is sought.

Note one can suffer acute and chronic back pain at the same time. As secondary health problems be involved. In other words, chronic pain sufferers can be susceptible to acute pain.

ONSET – When the back pain began. Acute onset means it occurred suddenly and you need back pain treatment immediately. Insidious onset means it gradually developed over a period- could be days or longer.
DURATION / FREQUENCY – Some common questions asked with regards to this area are how often does the worse pain occur and how long does it last.
RECURRENCE – When the back pain occurs from time to time with intervals of no pain in between.
PERSISTENCE – When the pain is always present.
LOCATION – A printed body diagram is usually used to that the patient can refer to the place or location where pain is felt.
MOVEMENT – Where the back pain movement is located. Most generally it is centrally located in the middle of the spine or an injury to either side of the spine. Pain that reaches beyond, for example to legs, is known as peripheral.

Other terms associated with movement are twisting, lifting, bending, straightening, arching, vibrating, sneezing, coughing and posture.

ASSOCIATED SYMPTOMS – When discussing back pain and back pain help, other symptoms that can come up include, but are not limited to, itching, burning, tingling, weakness or numbness, bladder control loss or change in habit, nausea.
INTENSITY LEVEL – A verbal measurement used to quantify pain on a scale rating from zero that signifies “no pain” to 10, referring to your “worst pain ever.”

Other criteria to help with understanding this pain indicator are does the scale vary; i.e. does the pain intensify and if so with each occurrence? And within what range on the scale?

“Back Pain Help – Diagnosing Back Pain”

In order to diagnose back pain for the proper back pain help, back pain relief, back pain treatment options, various effective back pain remedy alternatives, lower back pain exercise guidelines, and so on, generally health care professionals begin by ordering a medical history and physical examination.

A look at each of these in depth can shed some light into what to look for and how to find back pain treatment. Then we’ll look at specific diagnostic tests. And then where to go for the diagnosis and testing follows.

No matter whether the patient has acute back pain, which is what most have and recover from with around a 4-week period, or chronic, recurring pain episodes, a medical history helps patient an doctor become familiar with one another in confidence to begin or continue a treatment program together.

The medical history delves into these areas of the person seeking back pain help: family medical history and personal and work history with regards to back pain help and related symptoms and issues, psychological and psycho-social factors, referral source(s) for evaluation and treatment, education on the subject and back pain treatment options, assessment throughout their working together on pain relief treatment and treatment outcomes.

For example, if physical therapy needs to be added to the regimen or enhanced, it would be discussed in the medical history and updated as needed.

The medical history incorporates past and present factors of fatigue, fever and weight loss. And it notes any use of drugs or herbs, minerals and supplements. A history of past and present infections, cancer or other conditions is also noted.

The history also includes details about the back pain, focusing on the many facets of the pain: information about any initial injury or trauma, if available, onset, intensity, duration, location, associated symptoms, etc.

The physical examination portion of any back pain treatment includes evaluating the person generally in the “hospital gown” with the body and especially the back in a variety of postures and movement ranges to determine pain symptoms, tenderness and range of motion and the proper back pain help needed.

So the patient may need to sit, stand, touch toes, move arms, etc. and share any pain symptoms or other information notated with each change along the way.

Neurological testing can also be a part of the back pain help routine.

A neurologic screening may consist of tests for reflexes, strength of muscles, cramping and a detailed look at sensory issues via various range of motion and movement exercises.

Included in this portion of back pain help can be an assessment of the legs, upper leg, hip and groin area and pulses for neurological and vascular conditions.

Results may point to a secondary problem like kidney stones or a slight bone fracture, for instance, in which cases, further assessment and treatment options would be considered and discussed in both the medical history and physical examination.

Noteworthy is that patients seeking back pain help after an extended period can tend to exaggerate or magnify their symptoms out of a variety of reasons; possibly psychological factors associated with fear of the unknown, change, coping alternatives, insurance coverage and treatment costs, previous visits with health care providers, etc.

So education and patience is advised so that all bases can be covered, i.e. so that effective back pain help can be determined.

Diagnostic Testing: For back pain help, any of several tests can be performed; x-rays or radiographs, isotope bone scan (referred to as technetium and SPECT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan, myelogram, blood and nerve tests and injections.

How To Increase Lactation For Breast Milk Wed, 17 Jun 2020 10:28:40 +0000 [...]]]> How to increase lactation if you do not have enough breast milk?

Most times it is not really common for mothers to think they have a low breast milk production or they are not meeting up to their baby’s feeding schedules. The best thing to do to increase lactation is to see a lactation consultant. Your lactation consultant will definitely tell why you are experiencing a low breast milk and also let you know the steps to take to increase lactation if your breast milk is truly low. In addition, to this, your lactation specialist will also expose you to ways you can keep breast milk production at optimum levels. There is also some local La Leche league for information, education, encouragement, mother-to-mother support and to encourage a better understanding of breastfeeding as a unique component in the healthy growth of the mother and baby. Having said all this seeing a lactation specialist is one of the many ways to increase lactation in breastfeeding mothers. The use of supplements and other herbal methods can also be employed in the process of boosting breast milk production.

What supplements to take to increase breast milk supply? Medicine, breastfeeding pills, vitamins or herbs?

Your baby is one of the ways you can get to increase the amount of breast milk flow that you produce, this is because your babies stimulate your breast to produce more milk more than pumping. Ensure your baby on each of your breasts until he/she has reached maximum satisfaction. When your baby falls asleep in the process of breastfeeding is a good sign that they are getting enough for their satisfaction. The use of electrical breast pumps can also be encouraged if direct feeding is not an option. Production of breast milk has shown to increase by double pumping which is as a result of a hormone known as Prolactin. Breast pump sessions should be limited to let’s say 10-15 minutes.

Fenugreek is a herb that is found to increase milk in the breast in mothers, the use of this herb with nursing at the breast or breast pumping at improved frequencies has been shown to yield the best results. Fenugreek can be found at local nutrition stores and also health food stores. Just about 2-4 capsules, a day is the standard dosage to be taken. Breastfeeding mothers who have tried experienced increased breast milk production. Meanwhile taking Fenugreek for increasing breast milk when taken in the pill form has been shown to yield fast and effective results. However, you should also be aware that as effective as Fenugreek is, it also have some downsides when taken in high dosage. It can cause conditions such as hypoglycemia and urinary tract infections during pregnancy. One thing to take note of is that you do not need to take it in a high dosage as it is highly effective, especially when combined with Blessed Thistle and Alfalfa, these two are herbs that also enhance lactation in women. When combined with Fenugreek is always the best, and this has been proven by some mothers. Hence due to its effectiveness at stimulating milk production, it should be taken in recommended dosage.

When it comes to the use of medicine in stimulating lactation or increasing breast milk, it is advisable to seek the advice of a physician. Although the use of prescription may not be favorable, but it is a feasible option should in case other methods have failed. Prescription drugs such as Metoclopramide which is also known as Reglan can be given by your doctor and also domperidone. These are the two most popular drugs used to increase lactation in breastfeeding mothers which have been successful, but Reglan always comes with its side effects such as mood swings, seizures, diarrhea and depression, meanwhile domperidone also comes with its side effect which ranges from abdominal cramps, dry mouth, and headache. So you might want to avoid this conditions because you will not want to go through all these even after delivery. So you can never go wrong going the herbal way, by choosing the combination of Fenugreek, Alfalfa, and Blessed Thistle. Not forgetting galactagogues which are an herbal medicine which stimulates breast milk supply. Other herbs are Hops, Barley water and Fennel, Borage leaves, Goat’s Rue, Milk Thistle and Anise. All this work effectively.

Medication or herbal supplements for stimulating breast milk production for breastfeeding moms.

Dietary supplements such as nuMOM breastfeeding vitamin is also a good one. Multivitamin is mostly intended to enhance the body after delivery and provide mothers with the essential vitamins and minerals needed after childbirth. This multivitamin is produced considering the recommended Dietary allowances for lactating mothers as defined by the National Academy of Science Institute of Medicine. So you cannot go wrong using multivitamins. However, as said earlier herbal supplements is unarguably the best means of increasing milk production in women. A supplement called More Milk Plus Vegetarian Capsule, this capsule makes use of blessed thistle, nettle leaf, Fenugreek and fennel seeds to bring about an increase in breast milk production.

However, taking oatmeal every morning also help with milk production for lactating women in case you have been asking which food supplements help. Oatmeal can also be in the form of cookies. Quinoa is a type of grain which can also be used to boost breast milk production. Milk teas are herbs which can also be used, but should be taking in considerable amounts. When your sweat starts smelling like maple syrup you should know you have taken too much of Fenugreek.

Moreover, dehydration is a cause of low milk supply, it is, however, important to take plenty of fluids like juice, water but ensure you do not overdo it also as over hydrating may have a negative effect on breast milk production. Ensure that in carrying out all this breast milk production enhancing methods, do it in the right and normal measures so as to achieve optimum results.

What remedies can I do or take to help produce more breastmilk for newborn baby naturally

Frequent feeding can help you produce more breast milk. This will stimulate more breast milk flow for increased milk production if done frequently. Schedule feedings with less time in between each feeding period will increase the time your baby spends sucking. This increase milk production more often. Moreover, you need to take some time to sleep. Sleep generally helps to increase milk production in women. The use of breast pump to get the milk available provided you need to sleep, so the father can get to feed the baby with mother milk with bottle and this will give you some good hours of sleep. In the absence of the father, keep the baby close to you and you can also learn how to co-sleep with your baby. Keep your baby close with the possibility of feeding her more while sleeping and this will certainly give you some time to relax. Mothers should also take high nutritional diets, this gives high-quality milk. You can increase fat intake just to a moderate length, this includes good fats such as tallow, olive oil and coconut oil as it improves the supply and quality of milk. Avoid unhealthy foods such as too much carbohydrate and sugars, you can take snacks in between meal times if you still feel hungry.

Conclusively, having talked about means to increase breast milk production. You will want to make the herbal means of enhancing lactation a priority this is because it has proven to be effective over time and it has been ascertained by breastfeeding mothers for its effectiveness. You should also note that when taken in considerate amounts, it has no side effects.

Removal Of Uterus Wed, 17 Jun 2020 10:27:51 +0000 [...]]]> Uterus Removal

Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus (womb) and is performed when a woman has uterus related problems after her child bearing is completed.

Common Symptoms:

  • Severe pelvic pain – Dysmenorrhea
  • Heavy bleeding during periods
  • Mass coming out of vagina


  • The presence of fibroids
  • The prolapsed of the uterus (where the uterus is shifted from its usual position)
  • Endometriosis (presence of the uterine lining in nearby organs causing severe pain and bleeding)
  • Uterine or cervical cancer

Treatment Options

Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: If the women has completed her family and nearing her Menopause, Uterus is removed by putting an incision on the abdomen.

Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: If the women has completed her family and nearing her Menopause, then the Uterus is removed Laparoscopically.

Vaginal Hysterectomy: This is usually done in case of prolapsed and small size uterus and the uterus is removed from below through the birth passage.

Follow up: Patient may develop post-Menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings which subside if ovaries are removed. If severe, then they may need medications.

Ovarian Cyst Wed, 17 Jun 2020 10:05:57 +0000 [...]]]> Ovarian cysts are fluid filled sacs inside the ovary. “Large” or “Pathological Cysts” can occur in about 5% of women during their reproductive years. Ovarian cysts are common, frequently asymptomatic and often resolve spontaneously.

Common Symptoms

  • Often asymptomatic
  • Mild menstrual irregularities & vague pelvic pain
  • Low abdominal swelling
  • Pain in case torsion, rupture or haemorrhage occurs
  • Amenorrhoea (no menses), obesity and Hirusutism (hair growth on abnormal body parts) may be the presenting picture
  • Occasional Dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse) may also be present


Follicular Cyst: This results from growth of a Follicle. A Follicle is the normal fluid-filled sac that contains an egg. Folicular cysts form when the Follicle grows larger than normal during the menstrual cycle and does not open to release the egg. Usually, Follicular Cysts resolve spontaneously over the course of days to months.

Luteum Cyst: The Corpus Luteum is an area of tissue within the ovary that occurs after an egg has been released from a Follicle. If a pregnancy doesn’t occur, the Corpus Luteum usually breaks down and disappears. It may, however, fill with fluid or blood that persist as a Cyst on the ovary. Usually, this Cyst is found on only one side, produces no symptoms and resolves spontaneously.

Endometriosis is a condition in which cells that normally grow inside as a lining of the uterus (womb) instead grow outside of the uterus in other locations. When Endometriosis involves the ovary, the area of the endometrial tissue may grow and bleed over time, forming a blood filled Cyst.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): The condition known as Polycystic Ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by the presence of multiple small Cysts within both ovaries. PCOS is associated with a number of hormonal problems and is the most common cause of infertility in women.

Infections of the pelvic organs can involve the ovaries and Fallopian tubes. In severe cases, pus-filled cystic spaces may be present on or around the ovary or tubes. These are known as Tubo-ovarian

  • Abscesses.
  • Benign Ovarian Tumours: Dermoid or Cystadenoma
  • Malignant Ovarian Tumours

Treatment Options

Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy: Laparoscopic Ovarian Cyst excision is the procedure done to treat simple ovarian Cysts. It is a safe procedure and does not need more than one-day stay in the hospital, which is an advantage for young girls.

Laparoscopy Ovarian Drilling: This is done in case of polycystic ovaries where in the multiple Cysts on the surfaces of the ovary are drilled.

Oophorectomy: Removal of the ovary along with the pathological Cyst. This is done when the Cyst is big & involves the whole ovary.

What is Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)? Sun, 14 Jun 2020 03:29:54 +0000 [...]]]> Basal Metabolic Rate

The amount of calories required by a human body to keep functioning while at rest is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR). So basically, you still burn calories while you are asleep.
As your body is still functioning while you are asleep, your brain is still in action, your digestive system is processing the food you had for dinner, your heart is still pumping blood, your brain is still working which is why you continue to breathe while you sleep.

But that doesn’t mean you can take BMR lightly. Basal metabolism is responsible for 60-70% of the calories that you burn throughout the day.

BMR calculator

There are a lot of BMR calculators available online. Most BMR calculators use Mifflin-St. Jeor equations. Some calculators also use the Harris-Benedict equation. But the Mifflin-St. Jeor equations are considered to be a lot more accurate than the Harris-Benedict equation.
How it works is, you enter your current height, weight, age and gender and depending on the equation used, the site’s algorithm will calculate the BMR for you. Just Google BMR calculator and you will find a lot of them on the internet.

Basal metabolic rate definition

Every human body generates heat. This phenomenon is called as thermo genesis. The amount of energy expended can be determined based on this process. As obvious as it sounds, BMR reduces with age. That is why keeping your body fit becomes important because increasing your muscle mass increases the body temperature. Factors that can affect BMR and overall energy expenditure include stress, environmental temperature, previously consumed foods and beverages, illness, etc.

If a person is awake when measuring BMR, the calculation might not really be accurate. The sympathetic nervous system shouldn’t be active while calculating BMR. Therefore, this condition requires the person to be continuously at rest. Gas analysis is used to measure the BMR. Either the direct or indirect calorimetry can be used to calculate the BMR. Or you can just use the online calculator, key in your current weight, height, and gender and get the results. Whichever method you use; it has been proven that both the methods are pretty accurate when it comes to determining the respiratory quotient.

What diet to use?

By far, the largest component of total caloric expenditure can be safely considered as the basal metabolism. However, you must be clear that the current available methods of BMR calculation are only approximations, especially those dependent on the Harris-Benedict equations. The expense of energy during thermo genesis and other physical activities make it difficult to determine the exact BMR.

Learn basal metabolism

To summarize the concept of basal metabolism, the basal functioning of the human body contributes to about 70% of energy consumption, the thermo genesis process uses about 10% and the physical activity that we do every day, takes about 20%.

5 Nutrition Tips To Maintain Optimal Gut Health Fri, 12 Jun 2020 12:29:01 +0000 [...]]]> When it comes to healthy eating, much of the focus tends to be placed on how many calories you’re consuming, how much sugar you take in, and how many grams of proteins, carbohydrates, and dietary fats you get each and every day. While there’s no denying the fact these are important factors determining your health status, it’s important to not overlook one additional critical element: gut health.

Gut health represents the overall health and efficiency of your internal digestive system, something that will impact every single part of your being. If you stop and think about it, if you gut isn’t functioning optimally, this means you won’t be able to derive all the nutrition from the foods you eat like you should, which can then lead to nutritional deficiencies and a whole host of other health related issues. Furthermore, much of your immune system is actually housed in your gut so when your gut isn’t as healthy as it should be, don’t be surprised if you find yourself falling ill more frequently. Some of the leading factors contributing to an unhealthy gut include the frequent use of antibiotics, diets that are rich in refined carbohydrates and processed foods, high chronic stress levels, as well as frequent infections.

All of this said, the good news is that you do have the power to improve your gut health by taking control and ensuring that you remain as healthy as you possibly can be. Let’s share with you five nutrition tips that will help you get on track to superior gut status.

Listen To Your Grandma: Eat Those Vegetables

As a kid, you heard it time and time again; eat your vegetables. Whether it came from your grandparents, parents, or otherwise, those people were right. Sadly, most people today do not meet their intake for 5-10 servings of fresh vegetables a day. The most prevalent vegetables consumed are potatoes (in the form of fries) and tomatoes (in the form of ketchup and tomato sauce). Both of these lack the important nutrients that more wholesome vegetables, such as broccoli, leafy greens, peppers, onions, and so on provide.

What’s more is that fruits and vegetables are loaded with dietary fiber, which is one of the key nutrients needed for a healthy gut. Dietary fiber helps to slow digestion down, making sure your gut is able to soak up all the nutrients found in the foods you eat and then also speeds up the excretion process, making sure toxic waste doesn’t sit in your body for too long. Think of fiber as the master regulator in terms of the passage of food through your system. If you get enough, your body will know the perfect speed to be pushing food through your digestive tract.

Eat Smart Fruits

Next up, you’ll want to also focus on adding fruit to your diet plan, not just because it’ll supply the fiber just noted above, but also because certain fruits are a rich source of digestive enzymes. Eating these before or with your meal will help promote better overall digestion, reducing the chances that you wind up experiencing bloating, gas, or stomach pain. Which fruits should you focus on? The best sources include papaya, pineapple, along with mango.

Many people don’t readily produce certain digestive enzymes naturally, so if they are failing to get them in through food sources, this will make it harder to tolerate the foods they consume. In addition to eating these fruits, you might also consider taking a specific enzyme supplement. For instance, for those who experience gas after consuming dairy products, this is because their body is not producing enough lactase, an enzyme that helps to digest lactose, the milk sugar. If they supplement with lactase however, this can help remedy the situation. If you notice that certain foods tend to give you trouble, pay attention to that as it can give you clues into your digestive enzyme status.

Consume Fermented Food

Next up on the list of things to do to promote gut health is to focus on readily including fermented foods into your daily diet plan. Fermented foods contain probiotics, which are the healthy bacteria that help balance out the ‘bad bacteria’ in the gut, ensuring that you stay in proper balance. The best fermented foods to consume include kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi. Eating just one serving of these per day can make a big difference on your overall probiotic status.

When purchasing yogurt, be sure that it does say that it contains live bacterial cultures. Not all yogurt will be rich in probiotics, so you do need to choose wisely.

Eat Regularly

Is your eating schedule always erratic? Some days you eat lunch at noon and other days you don’t eat until nearly 3pm? If so, this could be leading to poor gut health. Try as best as you can to regulate your eating schedule so it’s as similar each day as possible. This will help train your body as to when it should expect food and also help to keep your bowels regular as well. Your body, by nature, loves maintaining homeostasis, so the more you can do to help it do just that, the better off you’ll be. Eating regularly accomplishes this task.

Limit Caffeine And Alcohol

Two substances you will want to limit from your diet plan are caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine will cause the stomach to become more acidic in nature, which can throw off the proper pH balance of your gut and lead to many unwanted health side effects including feeling lethargic, suffering insomnia, having brittle bones, as well as suffering from bloating and IBS. Additionally, too much caffeine, especially on an empty stomach, can lead to stomach ulcers as well, so that’s another reason to avoid it.

Alcohol, on the other hands, should be avoided as it itself is a toxin to your system and will only place excess strain on every cell in your body as you rapidly try and excrete it. Remember that there are no nutrients whatsoever in alcohol, so it really does not do you any good to be consuming it. The more you consume, the more potential damage you do to your gut health.

So there you have the key steps to take if you hope to sustain a healthier gut. Don’t underestimate how much your gut health impacts you. Start taking action now so that you can have a healthier tomorrow.

Types of Mesothelioma Sat, 04 Apr 2020 10:35:25 +0000 [...]]]> There are four types of mesothelioma: Pleural (in the linings surrounding the lungs), peritoneal (in the lining of the abdominal cavity), pericardial (in the sac surrounding the heart) and testicular (in the lining covering the testes). Mesothelioma is also identified by three cell types that compose tumors: Epithelioid, sarcomatoid and biphasic. These factors affect your prognosis, and your oncologist considers them when creating your treatment plan.

Then people refer to the different types of mesothelioma, they are usually talking about the different places in the body where mesothelioma develops. But things can get a little confusing because there are different cell types of Mesothelioma which may arise in each location too.

The cell type of your cancer is identified during biopsy testing and is important to accurately identify mesothelioma and optimally treat the cancer.

The treatment plan your doctor recommends will depend mostly on the location of your cancer. Your cell type, age, overall health and cancer stage will play a role.


  • Mesothelioma is most likely to develop in the linings around the lungs and abdomen.
  • The most common cell type, epithelioid, is also the most responsive to treatment.
  • Treatment is tailored to your specific type of mesothelioma, right down to the microscopic cells that make up the cancer.
  • Clinical trials may recruit participants based upon their type of mesothelioma.

Four Types of Mesothelioma Identified by Location

The type of mesothelioma you are diagnosed with is named after the place it developed. For example, when the cancer forms in the pleural lining around the lungs, it is called pleural mesothelioma.

  • Pleural (lungs)
  • Peritoneal (abdomen)
  • Pericardial (heart)
  • Testicular (testes)

Between 2,500 and 3,200 cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed annually in the United States. Pleural mesothelioma accounts for approximately 75 percent of cases, and peritoneal accounts for 10 to 20 percent. Only 1 percent of cases arise from the pericardial sac around the heart or the lining covering the testicles.

However, incidence varies from year to year. In a 2015 study analyzing mesothelioma incidence from 2003 to 2008, approximately 85 percent of cases were pleural, and 7 percent were peritoneal.

Each type of mesothelioma presents different symptoms. Treatment is tailored by type, and the prognosis varies as well.

Pleural Mesothelioma

  • Location: Pleural lining
  • Symptoms: Breathlessness, chest pain, fever and fatigue
  • Prognosis: 3+ years at stage 1 vs. 12 months at stage 4

Because it is the most common type of mesothelioma, there has been plenty of research conducted on the pleural form. Most patients qualify for chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy, which can add months or years to life expectancy.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma

  • Location: Lining of the abdominal cavity
  • Symptoms: Abdominal pain and distention, bloating and bowel changes
  • Prognosis: 52 percent live at least five years after surgery with HIPEC

Even though less research has been conducted on this type compared to pleural, the prognosis for peritoneal is better. Numerous studies show around half of patients who undergo a combination of cytoreductive surgery and heated chemotherapy (HIPEC) survive five years or more.

Peritoneal mesothelioma occurs more commonly in women than men. The peritoneal type accounts for 7 percent of mesothelioma cases in men and 17 percent of mesothelioma cases in women.

Pericardial Mesothelioma

  • Location: Linings of the sac around the heart
  • Symptoms: Irregular heartbeat, chest pain, difficulty breathing and cough
  • Prognosis: Typically ranges from six weeks to 15 months

The pericardial type is extremely rare. Around 200 cases are reported in medical literature. Surgery helps some patients live for years beyond the average six-month survival rate.

Testicular Mesothelioma

  • Location: Arises in the tunica vaginalis, which is the lining covering a testicle
  • Symptoms: Scrotal swelling, painless testicular lumps
  • Prognosis: 2 years

Testicular mesothelioma develops in the tunica vaginalis, which is the surface lining of the testes. Less than 100 cases are reported in medical literature. Treatment involves surgery and chemotherapy, which helps people live more than two years on average.

Three Types of Mesothelioma Cells

There are three types of cells that comprise mesothelioma tumors:

  • Epithelial
  • Sarcomatoid
  • Biphasic

Epithelioid and sarcomatoid cells respond differently to treatment. Epithelial cells respond the best, and sarcomatoid cells are more resistant to treatment. This difference is why doctors consider your cell type when recommending a treatment plan.

Incidence of these cell types varies depending upon location. When it comes to pleural mesothelioma, about 50 percent are epithelioid, 30 percent are biphasic and 20 percent are sarcomatoid. Peritoneal mesotheliomas are about 75 percent epithelioid, 24 percent biphasic and 1 percent sarcomatoid.

Pericardial mesothelioma appears to have a roughly equal distribution of the three cell types. Approximately two-thirds of testicular mesothelioma cases involve epithelioid cells, and the rest are biphasic. Only one case of purely sarcomatoid cells was reported in testicular mesothelioma.

Certain subtypes of these cells are correlated with different types of mesothelioma. For example:

  • Well-differentiated papillary cells occur most commonly in abdominal mesothelioma. Only a handful of cases have been reported in people with mesothelioma of the pleura, pericardium or testicles.
  • Small cell mesothelioma is another cell type that occurs more commonly in the abdomen.
  • A little more than half of the cases of deciduoid mesothelioma occur in the abdomen and slightly less than half arise in the lung lining.
  • Cystic and papillary cells are more common in peritoneal mesothelioma.
  • Desmoplastic and lymphohistiocytoid are more common in pleural mesothelioma.

Treatment Tailored to Your Type of Mesothelioma

The type of mesothelioma you are diagnosed with will influence your treatment options. Different procedures, anti-cancer drugs and radiation therapy are used depending upon the location of your cancer.

Surgery to remove tumors is different for each type of mesothelioma. Extrapleural pneumonectomy and pleurectomy/decortication are used to remove pleural tumors. Peritoneal tumors are removed with a peritonectomy, pericardial tumors are removed with a pericardiectomy, and testicular tumors are removed with an inguinal orchiectomy.

Different chemotherapy drugs are used to treat pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma. A combination of cisplatin and pemetrexed is the most effective treatment against pleural mesothelioma. Combinations of gemcitabine, pemetrexed, mitomycin and carboplatin are most effective against peritoneal mesothelioma. No particular chemotherapy regimen is consistently effective for pericardial or testicular mesothelioma. The two latter types of mesothelioma are so rare that they have not been available for studies.

Different approaches to radiation therapy are used for all types of mesothelioma. In pleural mesothelioma, radiation therapy is used when surgery is an option or when tumors have invaded the chest wall. Radiation therapy hasn’t proven successful or very safe for peritoneal mesothelioma, but it has been used successfully to treat pericardial and testicular mesothelioma.

Different procedures are used to drain fluid buildup from around the lungs and abdomen. Fluid around the lungs is drained with a thoracentesis, while a paracentesis is used to drain fluid from the abdomen.


Your cancer’s cell type influences treatment in a less direct way than the location. Instead, oncologists consider your cell type when deciding how aggressively they can treat your cancer. Because epithelioid cells respond the best to treatment, patients with epithelial mesothelioma are more often considered for aggressive treatment plans. Because sarcomatoid cells respond poorly to treatment, patients with this type are less often considered for aggressive treatment.

Other factors, such as the stage of your cancer, your age and overall health, play a role in which treatments are recommended. Surgery is recommended to early stage patients who are younger and in good health. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy are available to every patient regardless of stage or age.

Stages in Mesothelioma Sat, 04 Apr 2020 10:33:49 +0000 [...]]]> Doctors identify the extent of pleural mesothelioma at the time of its diagnosis by doing studies that allow them to assign it as stage 1, 2, 3 or 4. The cancer’s stage is a major factor in determining a patient’s prognosis and treatment options.

Early-stage patients may benefit from aggressive therapies with potential substantial prolongation of life. Late-stage patients usually benefit more from treatment primarily focused on symptom management to hopefully improve quality of life and sometimes duration of survival. Staging is a codified way for cancer doctors to describe to patients and other medical specialists how advanced the disease is, how prevalent tumors are and how far the cancer has spread.


  • Doctors classify pleural mesothelioma as stage 1, 2, 3 or 4.
  • A higher stage number signifies more advanced cancer.
  • Usually, more aggressive treatment options are available at earlier stages.
  • The TNM staging system is preferred by most doctors.

Cancer staging is a key part of mesothelioma diagnosis and treatment. Knowing where the cancer is in its development helps specialists decide which treatment options are appropriate and which are not. For example, doctors use cancer stage as a guideline when deciding whether a patient is likely to benefit from surgery.

Resectable Mesothelioma

If a patient is healthy enough for aggressive treatment and doctors believe all visible signs of cancer can be completely removed, they say the cancer is resectable and will likely recommend a treatment plan involving a major surgery such as pleurectomy/decortication (P/D) or extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP). Stage 1 pleural mesotheliomas are generally resectable as well as some diagnosed at stage 2 and 3.

Unresectable Mesothelioma

If the spread of cancer is too advanced, however, and can’t be removed completely, the cancer is unresectable. In this situation, doctors recommend other treatment options, including chemotherapy and experimental treatments. Such treatments are considered only palliative because they are focused on symptom control and rarely meaningfully prolong life.

Because early mesothelioma symptoms are easily mistaken for those of other illnesses, most patients are not diagnosed until stage 3 or 4. In addition to the stage, the cancer’s cell type and the patient’s overall health also affect treatment options.

The Four Stages of Mesothelioma

Doctors can use one of three systems for mesothelioma staging: TNM, Brigham and Butchart. These systems are used primarily for pleural mesothelioma, the most common type. There are currently no formal staging systems for the other types.

Stage 1

Initially, tumor growth is localized to a single area. The life expectancy associated with stage 1 mesothelioma is significantly better than those of later stages, but it is difficult to catch the cancer this early because people with this stage do not usually experience symptoms.

Major surgery to remove the tumor is considered the first line of treatment, and doctors usually recommend an aggressive multimodal approach including chemotherapy, radiation therapy or immunotherapy.

Median life expectancy at stage 1 is 21 months with surgery.

Stage 2

Stage 2 symptoms are vague and mild, and patients and doctors often mistake them for signs of other illnesses such as the flu. Patients with peritoneal mesothelioma may lose weight and yet feel bloated. The available treatment options are generally the same as for stage 1 mesothelioma.

Median life expectancy at stage 2 is 19 months with surgery.

Stage 3

Once the cancer progresses to stage 3, it may have spread to several tissues, organs and lymph nodes in the same region of the body where it originally formed.

Pleural mesothelioma patients may suffer from difficulty breathing and intense chest pain even when resting. Peritoneal mesothelioma usually involves abdominal pain and digestive problems. Discomfort may be felt in other parts of the body as well.

Some stage 3 cancer patients are ineligible for surgery and other aggressive treatments. At that point, doctors offer palliative options.

Median life expectancy at stage 3 is 16 months with surgery.

Stage 4

By stage 4, cancer has spread throughout the body via the bloodstream (a process called metastasis) and could be present in the liver, brain, bones or elsewhere. Patients may experience extreme difficulty breathing and swallowing, digestive problems and severe pain.

For stage 4 patients, doctors fall back on palliative treatments designed to ease pain and control other symptoms.

Median life expectancy at stage 4 is 12 months or less with surgery.

TNM Staging System

Also called the IMIG Staging System, this is the most widely used system for pleural mesothelioma. Doctors sometimes use it for other types of mesothelioma as well.

The abbreviation TNM signifies three different parts of a diagnosis. Doctors add a number after each letter to describe how far the cancer has advanced. As tumor size increases and the cancer invades more structures, the number increases.

  • T describes tumor size and location, ranging from T0 to T4.
  • N describes whether lymph nodes are affected, ranging from N0 to N3.
  • M describes whether the tumors have metastasized (spread through the bloodstream to other parts of the body), ranging from M0 to M1.

Doctors use the TNM framework to stage many different types of cancer. In 1995, the International Mesothelioma Interest Group (IMIG) modified this system specifically for asbestos-related cancers because of the lack of a universally accepted staging system.

After evaluating a case, doctors assign a value to each part of the TNM system. Next, they use this information to give the cancer a stage. For example, TNM staging guidelines say a T1N1M0 mesothelioma is a stage 3 cancer.

Brigham Staging System

The Brigham staging system was created by Dr. David Sugarbaker at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. With this system, doctors examine organs, tissues and other structures to learn how far pleural mesothelioma has advanced.

Stage 1

Tumors are confined to the lining of the lungs and cancer has not spread to the lymph nodes.

Stage 2

Tumors are confined to the lining of the lungs. Lymph nodes near the tumors are cancerous.

Stage 3

Aggressive and unresectable tumors in the lining of the lungs have spread into the area between the lungs or invaded the chest wall, diaphragm or distant lymph nodes.

Stage 4

Cancer has spread to distant parts of the body.

Butchart Staging System for Pleural Mesothelioma

The Butchart system is the oldest method of determining someone’s pleural mesothelioma stage. Dr. Eric Butchart proposed this system in 1976 to help identify which patients are good candidates for aggressive treatment.

Stage 1

The cancer affects the pleura on only one side of the chest and may have spread to the heart sac (pericardium) and breathing muscle (diaphragm).

Stage 2

Cancer has spread to the chest wall and may affect both sides of the pleura. It may have spread to the esophagus, heart or lymph nodes of the chest.

Stage 3

Cancer has spread to the breathing muscle (diaphragm) or abdominal lining (peritoneum). Mesothelioma cells have also traveled through the lymphatic system to lymph nodes outside the chest.

Stage 4

The cancer has spread through the bloodstream to distant parts of the body. Tumors may now be present in the bones, liver, brain or other organs.

Tumor Grading

Doctors can also classify cancer based on how the cells appear under a microscope. Researchers have confirmed that cellular features of tumors can help doctors better predict survival rates among mesothelioma patients.

Aside from determining the cancer’s cell type, there is another approach called nuclear grading. The process classifies the size and shape of the nuclei in tumor cells and examines other factors such as nucleolus size, chromatin patterns and the rate of cell division. These variables play central roles in cancer cell genetics, and ongoing studies are exploring their clinical value as indicators of prognosis.

The nuclear grading system developed at Cleveland Clinic inspired other studies that investigated the connection between tumor grade and mesothelioma survival. In what turned out to be the strongest evidence supporting this relationship to date, researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center analyzed 232 cases of epithelioid diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma for the following features:

Indicators of Prognosis

  • Nuclear atypia
  • Nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio
  • Chromatin pattern
  • Intranuclear inclusions
  • Prominence of nucleoli
  • Mitotic count
  • Atypical mitoses

The analysis proved nuclear atypia (variations in cell nucleus appearance) and mitotic count (the number of cells actively dividing) were directly related to a patient’s prognosis.

Severe nuclear atypia was found to drastically reduce overall survival. A low mitotic count, which means few cells are dividing and spreading, indicated the highest overall survival.

The results of this study also linked tumor cell chromatin, which is a combination of nuclear DNA and protein, to survival.

Not only was nuclear grading found to be a simple, cost-effective prognostic tool for determining overall survival, but it also helped predict the time to mesothelioma recurrence among patients treated with surgery. Patients with a low mitotic count averaged 67 months before their cancer returned, and those with a high mitotic count averaged 14 months.
