What to eat for healthy hair?

Healthy Hair

Hair plays an important role in creating an overall personality. They not only add to the beauty but are also responsible for an outward sign of our inside health.

And of course, who don’t want to flaunt those luscious, lustrous, healthy, beautiful long locks. On an average, the growth of hairs is half an inch per month. Genetic factors play a great part in determining the hair quality but general health also has an important role in the growth and texture of hairs.

Proper hair care and a healthy diet help in encouraging the growth of hairs. Before we get into the details of specific nutrients required for healthy hairs, let’s have a quick look on some the interesting facts related to hair.

Some fascinating facts about hairs

  1. Every hair is attached on to the scalp, via follicle.
  2. Hair follicle ranges from 100,000 and 350,000 on the human
  3. On an average of 1000 days (3 years) each follicle grows its hair and the growth rests for a period of around 100 days i.e. nearly three months. Once the time period is attained hair sheds and new growth begins.
  4. Hair is nothing but protein. Hair protein is called as keratin. Nails and some other protective layer of skin are also made up of keratin.

Hair is made up of three layers

  1. Cuticle – The outer, protective layer.
  2. Cortex – They contain the pigment melanin (responsible for distinctive hair color).
  3. Medulla- It is the inner most layer which reflects the light.

Did you know?
On an average, people with redheads have the lest hair and blondes have highest.
Here is the list of nutrients, if taken in a correct balance will help your hair to remain shiny, lustrous and strong.

  • Protein- As hairs are made up of protein, ensure that you consume enough protein in your diet. Protein makes the hair stronger and healthy. Deficiency of protein in the diet makes your hair dry, brittle and weak at last resulting in hair fall.
    Sources: Choose diet rich in protein content. For the best source of protein, you can consume eggs, turkey, fist, lentils, soy product.
  • Iron- Iron is one important mineral for overall health. In terms of hair growth and hair health iron has a distinctive role to play. Deficiency disease of iron “anemia” results in great hair fall, Hair roots and follicles are fed by nutrients provided by your body and if iron level is lowering down in the blood it causes anemia, in such condition, the hold of a follicle on scalp loosens resulting in hair fall.
    Sources: Meat like Liver, Oyster, Chicken, turkey are a good source of iron. For those consuming only vegetarian diets, try to include vegetables like spinach, sweet potato, broccoli and peas in your menu. Legumes like lentils, kidney beans, chick pea, soya bean are also good in iron content.
  • Vitamin C– The antioxidant, Vitamin C is responsible for the absorption of Iron in our body. If Vitamin C is consumed in conjunction with iron rich food it will be beneficial for hair growth. The collagen produced with the help of vitamin C helps in strengthening the capillaries of hair shaft making them strong.
    Sources: citrus fruits like oranges, Kiwi fruit, grape fruit, guava, blue berries, broccoli.
  • Omega 3 fatty acid- Omega 3 are good fats, our body is unable to make by itself. The essential level of omega 3 can be obtained only through consuming it in our diet. Omega 3 are present in the cells which line on to the scalp. They provide the oil and moisture to the scalp for hydration of hair. Sources: Fatty fishes like salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines etc.
  • Vitamin E- Just like your skin vitamin E also protects your hairs. Good content of vitamin E in your diet helps in forming a protective layer on to the skin and hairs, which prevents hair from direct sun rays, dust and dirt.
    Sources: Nuts are the best source of vitamin E, Selenium and Zinc

A complete check over these nutrients in your diet, along with proper care and hygiene will help you to maintain your hair taller and healthier.