How To Blitz Adult Pimples And The Best Treatment For Acne

Isn’t it annoying when you wake in the morning to find a breakout of pimples? More so when you left your teens many years ago.  The cause is not always an inadequate skin routine; it could be that there is some other underlying cause.

The Chinese will tell you that different parts of the face will tell us how well the organs of your body are functioning.  It is important, therefore to take notice of where your spots are appearing.  This will help with the remedy for curing them.

The Forehead

If you have pimples on your forehead, it may be that you have been burning yourself out.

The Chinese believe that the forehead will indicate how effectively your body is coping with toxins e.g. alcohol and drugs

If you suffer from blemishes in the eyebrow area, this is put down to stress.

If you recognize this might be you then, drink plenty of water to flush the toxins and eat healthily.  Try and cut out alcohol and instead drink herbal teas

The Jawline

Have you considered it could be your mobile phone that is to blame for those blemishes on your jawline?

Chinese medicine dictates that your adrenal glands may be overworking, which could be down to stress bringing you out in spots.

If you get spots here often it might be a good idea to take a trip to your dentist, just in case you have a dental problem.

Make sure your cell phone is clean, and keep it away from your face.  Visit your dentist for a check-up.

The Chin

These can be hormonal, according to Dr Leslie. “I often see hormonal patients who report a break-out of spots at certain times of the month,” she says.

Often these are due to hormones and occur at set times of the month.  Something to bear in mind though is occasionally it can be an allergy to nail polish.  It is amazing how often women touch their chins with their hands without realising it.

The only help your doctor can prescribe is the contraceptive pill if your pimples are down to hormones.  Other than that there are plenty of creams and gels you can try from your local pharmacy.

The Neck

Getting pimples on your neck and jawline could be something as simple as the hair care you are using.  The ingredients in shampoos can be severe and irritate the skin.  It is worth considering if it is your perfume that is the culprit.

Try using shampoos and conditioners that are chemically free.  Look for the ingredient sodium lauryl sulphate and try to find hair care products that do not contain this chemical.

The Cheeks


Blemishes on the cheek area may mean you have a skin allergy to products you are suing on the face.  This could be make-up, skin care lotions or even the fragrance you wear.  It could be you have a condition called rosacea if the pimples look like acne.

If this is the case you will notice facial flushing, usually down to very sensitive skin.  On the other hand if the spots are dry and dandruff looking, it could be down to seorrheic demartitis which you really need to see your physician about.

Remedies for rosacea include avoiding too much direct sunlight, alcohol and spicy foods.  Treatment for acne is simple, try reducing your intake of dairy products.

The Back

If you work out a lot, you may be prone to spots on your back.  This is down to perspiration building up causing the breakouts.

Make sure you take a shower after any exercise session and try and use an antiseptic body wash.

The Legs

Pimples on your legs are often caused by your clothing rubbing or shaving.  The hair follicles get blocked and then infected which can happen very easily

To prevent pimples on your legs, you need to follow a very strict regime. After shaving remember to moisturize and wash any infected areas with an antiseptic.  If you cannot get rid of the problem, try using hair removal creams instead.